Trade Hamilton Island

Welcome to the dedicated Trade website. Use the links below to help create your guests ultimate holiday experience.

Rates, Packages & Factsheets

Hamilton Island offers a wide selection of accommodation - view current rates, packages and a variety of downloadable factsheets.

Image Library

Bring the Hamilton Island experience to life for your clients with our videos and images. You are free to use any of these items in your marketing and promotional collateral.

Baby's First Holiday

We understand it can be difficult to travel with everything you need, so we are pleased to be able to provide some items which may help make your stay a little bit more comfortable.

Welcoming Touch

Is your client celebrating a Honeymoon, Anniversary or Wedding? Or just want to add a welcoming touch to their room?

Travel Agent Rates

Explore Hamilton Island for yourself and take advantage of our exclusive Rates for Travel Agents and Industry.

Online Agent Reservations (OARS)

Visit our OARS portal.


Got a question about Hamilton Island? Here we’ve assembled some answers to some of your clients’ most common questions.

Our Team

Our friendly trade team are available to answer your questions and help you provide a seamless and unforgettable holiday experience for your customers.

Contact Us

Got questions? Want to know more? We would love to hear from you and our friendly team are happy to answer any questions.