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The art of holidaying with Baby Baby's First Holiday

Baby's First Holiday 

Since your tiny bundle of joy arrived you have devoted every waking moment and every ounce of energy to them. Baby comes first. And everything else, well that can wait. Nappies, feeding and countless sleepless nights... it isn’t just tiring. It’s exhausting. You need sleep, you need some quality time with your other half, you need a bit of time to yourself to rejuvenate, and some relaxing family time away from it all. You NEED a holiday. And everything you need to holiday with Baby is on Hamilton Island.
If the mere thought of prepping, planning and packing all the things your baby might possibly need while you’re away makes your head hurt, Hamilton Island has just the thing to help you travel light.

To save you the extra worry when packing for your holiday, we have a selection of Convenience Shopping items for purchase and free of charge By Request items that can be ordered in advance and be in your room upon arrival.

Convenience Shopping is available exclusively to guests staying at the Reef View Hotel and Palm Bungalows. Free of charge By Request items are available exclusively to guests staying at the Reef View Hotel, Palm Bungalows and Yacht Club Villas (please note this offering is not available for other Holiday Home guests).

Why Hamilton Island is the perfect destination for your Baby's First Holiday

Not only is Hamilton Island located in the ultimate tropical destination, but the island offers something for each member of your family during your holiday.

With babysitting services and Clownfish Club, a 24 hour on call Doctor service and our friendly Guest Services always willing to help, you can feel at ease knowing you have access to all you may need whilst holidaying with your baby. Plus, with a wide variety of restaurants and bars and activities such as excursions to the Great Barrier Reef, spa treatments, golf and more, we’ll make sure you and your partner get to enjoy some of those pre-baby luxuries.  

We have also made hiring a buggy with your little one that much easier. Child restraints for buggies are provided at a cost of $4 per seat, per day to all Hamilton Island Hotels and Hamilton Island Holiday Homes guests. Child restraint charges will apply to guests staying in privately owned accommodation. Restraints may be hired for $15 per day and will be charged to a maximum of 4 days, subject to availability. For example, if you hire the seat for 7 days, the most you will have to pay is $60 (4 day hire).

Leave your stress at home and make the most of your much-needed break on Hamilton Island.  It’s the only way to holiday with Baby.