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It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

Commercial filming on Hamilton Island

Hamilton Island is a privately owned island and we highly value the privacy and the experience of our guests. As a result any commercial filming and photography on Hamilton Island requires a permit. If you are considering any commercial filming projects on the island please apply for a permit.

To apply for a permit, download and complete our filming application form. Once complete, scan and email the form to

Filming Locations

Due to the privacy of our guests, third party filming will not be approved at selected areas on the island including guest pools, popular public spaces and qualia.

Drone Filming

For any Drone filming requests please review our information page on drones and remotely piloted aircrafts.

More Information

For more information please contact
P +61 2 9433 3333