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Paradise awaits Hamilton Island Airport

This busy airport handles direct flights from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, operated by Jetstar, Virgin Australia and Qantas.

Book Accommodation



Beach Club 18yrs+, adults only qualia 16yrs+, adults only Reef View 13yrs+ Palm Bungalows 13yrs+
Reef View 3-12yrs Palm Bungalows 3-12yrs
Reef View 0-2yrs Palm Bungalows 0-2yrs



Property Search:

Terminal information

Hamilton Island Airport has a comfortable departure terminal with plenty of passenger seating.


Airline check-in desks for Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Qantas are immediately inside the check-in hall. Please be aware that queues can be long during peak travelling periods, so make sure to join the correct check-in queue.

Baggage claim

We have recently installed two automated baggage carousels at the Hamilton Island Airport. In addition to providing greater space and flow for guest comfort, the refreshed baggage claim area also provides operational efficiencies for staff in assisting with the guest check-in process.

Food and beverages

Order drinks from the airport bar, or purchase snacks and magazines from the shop.


There is a parents’ room for passengers travelling with children, and separate bathroom facilities and ramp access for disabled passengers.

Terminal plan - layout 
Disability access facilitation plan

Security and screening

Hamilton Island Airport takes security very seriously and safety of the airport precinct is of the highest priority.  Hamilton Island Airport works closely with all government regulators relating to aviation safety and security. Checked bag screening is in operation as per the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005.

Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are items or substances that may endanger the safety of aircraft or persons on board an aircraft. Please contact the airline you are flying with for details of prohibited and allowable items. Alternatively, please visit the Civil Aviation Safety Authority website for further details.

Inappropriate jokes or comments

Any comment made, even if in jest, regarding the possession or knowledge of possession of a weapon or explosive device will be taken seriously and may result in prosecution and/or refusal by the airline to carry you as a passenger.

Unattended items

Baggage and personal items should, under no circumstances, be left unattended. Leaving an item unattended may result in prosecution. Please ensure that all baggage has your name and home address details on the inside and your name and destination displayed on the outside. Airlines provide luggage tags at the check-in counters for this purpose.

Filming and photography

Passengers and visitors may take cameras into the departures lounge - however photos may not be taken of check-in counters, check-in staff, security procedures or security staff.

Baggage / check-in information

Airline check-in desks are located at the western end of Hamilton Island Airport terminal. Opening and closing times for check-in varies per airline. It is wise to confirm details with your carrier prior to arrival. Hamilton Island Airport recommends you allow plenty of time for check-in and security procedures.