America's Cup Posted by Reef Magazine - 7 October 2013 Australia is back in the race for the America’s Cup for the first time since 2000. Marking the 30th anniversary of Australia’s historic 1983 victory, Hamilton Island Yacht Club recently confirmed it will represent Australia as the Challenger of Record for the 35th America’s Cup. The Oatley’s have been a longtime sponsor of the Australian Sailing Team, who won a record number of gold medals at the 2012 Olympics. “We have some of the best young sailors in the country and should have a team, it’s for this reason that we are doing this,” says Sandy Oatley. “It is time for our nation to be back in our sport’s pinnacle event,” Bob Oatley adds. About the Author 'REEF Magazine – Hamilton Island & the Great Barrier Reef' is a magazine that showcases all that Hamilton Island has to offer, from events, to an exciting array of activities, attractions and more. You can pick up your complimentary copy of 'REEF Magazine' at any Hamilton Island hotel, and you can also access some of our feature articles right here on The Island Blog.