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Hamilton Island can help connect you with Medical Travel Companions who provide a specialised travel companion service.

Medical Travel Companions

For guests who love to travel but require a little extra assistance, Hamilton Island can connect you with Medical Travel Companions. Medical Travel Companions provide a specialised travel companion service utilising professional, qualified and caring companions for those who would like the reassurance that someone is there to offer assistance if the need arises.  Travel companions are available to assist with travel to Hamilton Island or even to stay with guests for the duration of the entire trip.

Services include:

  • Qualified caring staff with a passion for helping people
  • Wide range of healthcare and travel experience
  • Fully flexible and tailored to suit client needs
  • Provide 'flight only' or 'on tour' companion services.

Five levels of services

Five levels of services are now available specializing to individual clients and their health requirements and needs. Click here for more information and inclusions of each level of service.

To find out more and to discuss your travel needs, visit Medical Travel Companions here.

Please note we do not administer medicines or take any clinical responsibility.