It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

It appears you are using a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft. We cannot guarantee our site will operate as expected. We recommend downloading Microsoft Edge or another modern browser for the best experience.

Details at a glance

Opening hours

空席情報はExplore 07 4253 3340にお問い合わせ下さい。

PADIオープンウォーターコース Eラーニング- 価格はお問い合わせください
PADIアドバンス・オープンウォーターダイバー - 価格はお問い合わせください

  • ハミルトン島ドルフィンプールにて実習トレーニング
  • 習得コース過程に使う全ての機器レンタル
  • PADIコースパック、ログブックとダイブテーブルを含む
  • 毎日のランチ
What to bring
Booking information
必ずご予約ください。電話+61 7 4253 3340.
How to get there
Terms and Conditions
Cancellation policy
The information above should be used as a guide only. Activity/tour details, prices and timings are subject to change at any time.