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家庭同樂 租船與海釣

包租豪華遊艇 - 無論是白天,還是過夜。釣魚和浮潛,探索幽靜的海灣和海灘,全部按照自己的節奏。

Boat charters and fishing tours

Whether it’s a day-trip on a catamaran to explore the Great Barrier Reef, or a week sailing the Whitsundays on a luxury yacht, Hamilton Island offers a whole range of memorable boating and fishing experiences.

Alani 包船

從Alani Charters租賃一艘豪華機動遊艇,以您自己的節奏和風格探索聖靈島和大堡礁的活力與美麗。

LA MAR豪華包艇


M.Y. Murcielago

搭乘M.Y. Murcielago號遊艇,在聖靈群島發現您從未想像過的奢華。

M.Y. NISI 私人包船

搭乘M.Y. NISI號豪華遊輪,探索聖靈群島的奇妙風光,靈活遊覽您所選擇的目的地。


乘坐豪華私人包船探索附近的海灘和水道,如著名的白天堂海灘(Whitehaven Beach),或在當地珊瑚礁浮潜。

BBQ 晚宴遊艇 - Explore


Freedom 私人包船

Freedoms 專屬私人包船非常適合希望體驗一次親密且畢生難忘的冒險,適合個人,夫婦和小團體。


漢密爾頓島刺激的噴射船。魚尾,旋轉和扭曲! 在島上受保護的海域乘坐30分鐘Jet Ryder。

漢密爾頓島水上活動公司-Predator 海釣




Oneworld 私人包船

Oneworld 是一家全新的包船公司,非常適合希望體驗美麗的聖靈群島的家庭團體。

Topnotch Game 海釣

參加Topnotch Game Fishing的半日或一日遊,在漢密爾頓島(Hamilton Island)和聖靈島(Whitsundays)周圍享受一次真正難忘的包船釣魚之旅。


租用自己的橡皮艇,在丹特島(Dent Island)和漢密爾頓島(Hamilton Island)之間的美麗水域進行半天或3/4天的探險。

Ricochet 豪華雙體帆船

Ricochet Luxury Sailing Catamaran 獨特47英尺碳纖維雙體船,提供了一個令人振奮的大型風帆,同時又不影響舒適性和精緻度。

Ways to go boating and fishing around Hamilton Island:

Charter a luxury yacht

For a truly memorable and indulgent experience, Hamilton Island has a range of luxury vessels available for hire - either for the day, or overnight. Sail on your own, or hire your own skipper and crew, and explore the Whitsundays at your own pace.

Hire a motorised dinghy

For a more relaxed way of exploring the islands, you can also hire a small motorised dinghy - ideal for fishing adventures, or fun day trips to the many secluded coves around the island.  

Take a tour

Hamilton Island offers a huge selection of professional, well-organised tours (from half-day excursions, to overnight reef visits) - many of which are suitable for the whole family. Simply speak to the Tour Desk to find a tour that fits with your budget, and what you want to see and do.

Go on a fishing charter

You can also enjoy a full day or half day fishing charter around Hamilton Island and the Whitsundays.

Learn to sail

The crew at Sunsail offer a range of sailing lessons - for both experienced and novice sailors.

Have an adventure

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can take a thrilling ride around the Whitsundays in Hamilton Island’s Jetryder jet boat, or even sleep under the stars out on the reef, with our renowned Reefsleep experience.