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Details at a glance

Opening hours
每天早上6:50am 到晚间11:00pm运营
Sights and highlights
绿色班车每15分钟在度假中心和码头村之间连续运营。该班车在度假中心、圣灵岛公寓、珊瑚景酒店和码头村的冰淇淋店停靠。 蓝色班车以定时循环的方式覆盖全岛,在关键地点停靠,包括度假中心、独树山、qualia、芒果树角和棕榈谷。
Booking information
How to get there
Terms and Conditions
The information above should be used as a guide only. Activity/tour details, prices and timings are subject to change at any time.