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世界一流的度假胜地 基础设施和发展


Book Accommodation



Beach Club 18yrs+, adults only qualia 16yrs+, adults only Reef View 13yrs+ Palm Bungalows 13yrs+
Reef View 3-12yrs Palm Bungalows 3-12yrs
Reef View 0-2yrs Palm Bungalows 0-2yrs



Property Search:

Infrastructure and developments 

Hamilton Island Enterprises is constantly investing in new developments and initiatives - to ensure we continue to perform as a world-class holiday destination.

Recent developments include:


The Oatley family invested over $100M in the secluded and luxurious qualia, which opened in 2007, and has 60 pavilions as well as the Beach House with its own guest pavilion.

The Hamilton Island Yacht Club and Villas.

Over $85M was invested in this development, with 34 freestanding villas sold off the plan. Construction of the Hamilton Island Yacht Club was completed in December 2009, and the villas were completed in early 2010.

The Hamilton Island Golf Club.

This 18-hole golf course was a $30M investment on neighbouring Dent Island and opened in 2009. The golf course was designed by Peter Thomson, who is arguably Australia's greatest ever golfer - he's won five British Open titles, including a 1954-1956 hattrick.  

A few facts about infrastructure on Hamilton Island:

  • Approximately $16M is spent annually on capital expenditure for the maintenance of roads, utilities and infrastructure.
  • Power is supplied to the island via a 22km, 10MW power cable which supplies power to Mt Roper, Stoney Beach, Long Island and Hamilton Island.  Installation of the power cable was over $15M. Hamilton Island Enterprises can supply Ergon if required.
  • Hamilton Island also has a powerhouse which houses six diesel generators - producing 9MW. The Oatley family have recently invested $30M to upgrade the powerhouse.
  • A $1.8M pipeline has been installed between Hamilton Island and Dent Island to supply power, water and utilities to the Hamilton Island Golf Club.
  • The island’s water consumption is approximately 1.8 megalitres per day. There are four dams on the island, plus a reverse osmosis plant which provides the main water supply.